In this article we will learn about. How do you make the camera follow the player in Unity 3d? And, we’ll enable the camera to follow the player around the play field by writing a simple C# script. Create a…
Author: Birjesh Gupta
Method Reference In Java 8.
One of the most welcome changes in Java 8 was the introduction of Lambda Expression and Method Reference In java 8.. Method references in java are a special type of lambda expressions. because they’re often used to create simple lambda expressions…
Can we Overload the main() method in Java?
One of the common doubts among Java beginners while learning to overload and overriding is, whether it’s possible to overload main() in Java? Can you overload the main() method in Java? How will JVM find if you change the signature…
Setting Preference Activity In Android Q.
Lambda Expressions in Java.
Lambda expression in java is a new and important feature of Java which was included in Java SE 8. And, Lambda expression in java also provides a clear and concise way to represent one method interface using an expression. It…
Edit Text for OTP Using different boxes in Android.
Edit Text for OTP Using different boxes in Android. The below solution takes into consideration: Auto focusing to the next edit text on entering one digit of OTP in the focussed edit text. Auto focusing to the previous edit text…
Upload File/Image to the server using Volley in Android.
Upload file/image to the server using volley in Android is a very frequently used thing. In most of the apps, we need user avatar, i.e. user profile image. In this article, we are going to see an example to Android…
JSON Parsing In Android
JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is very light-weight, structured, easy to parse and much human-readable. JSON is the best alternative to XML when your android app needs to interchange data with your server. The JSON format was originally specified and developed…