LAMP stack consist of four layers: Linux – which you clearly have. Apache– Its a Free & open source web server software. MySql – It is a relational Database system. Php – Most commonly used Server side language To install…
Month: August 2019
What Are Linux distros?
Linux an open-source Unix inspired Operating system. It is typically packaged in Linux Distribution. Disto is IT vernacular of Distribution There are several Distros available with having a huge community support Some of which are Debian After being release in…
How to add Helper file in Laravel?
To create custom helpers.php file in laravel we need to edit composer.json file in laravel. In autoload object add the following file array:- After adding this we need to run the following command Make sure composer is installed. This will…
Types of Indexes In MongoDB.
Indexes in MongoDB are just like indexes in the book. Instead of going page by page in a Book one can get to any Topic by searching on the index. In MongoDB, these indexes are made of btree. These btree…
Laravel Group routing
For common prefixes in a url, Laravel uses url grouping. In the above route addresses In GET and POST method you can use print GET route as :- And, POST route as:-
Cache Clear in Laravel
Laravel supports popular caching backends like Memcached and Redis out of the box. There are 4 types of Cache in Laravel which you can clear by cli:- Application Cache Route Cache Config Cache View Cache If you are using Shared…