Lambda expression in java is a new and important feature of Java which was included in Java SE 8. And, Lambda expression in java also provides a clear and concise way to represent one method interface using an expression. It…
Month: November 2019
Get a string after a specific substring by length in MySQl and SQL
For MySql Let us assume a Customers table with a CustomerName Column which contain string of Max Length 200. For Sql Server Let us assume a Customers table with a CustomerName Column which contain string of Max Length 200.
How To Capitalize First Letter Of Each Word In Js ?
By using function: “replace()” is a iterative function calling a regex as first parameter and adding callback function as its second parameter we can achieve this. Regular Expression for Every Word in a String ( /\w\S*/g ) And Callback function…
Edit Text for OTP Using different boxes in Android.
Edit Text for OTP Using different boxes in Android. The below solution takes into consideration: Auto focusing to the next edit text on entering one digit of OTP in the focussed edit text. Auto focusing to the previous edit text…
Dynamic web form validation with predefined rules and messages
Sometimes when we are using same validation rules for a form in different location with different ID’s. To prevent repeating the code and make it more maintainable we define it as a function in one place. That is what this…
Custom Facades in Laravel
Facades are static interface of a class to encapsulate its default arguments. First we need to define a class in app directory like app/CustomClass/NewClass.php Now we need to define a facade for this class Firstly we need to edit AppServiceProvider.php…
How To print \n in C?
As We know \n is used for new line Similarly \t for vertical tab so to print \n just add \ before \n like \\n similarly for \t it will be \\t
Json parsing to add an iterating element by Jquery
To reduce load time and improve user experience we use ajax to get add new element to existing html. let the response be: let the response is saved in var response let the place where response is appended is to…