There are many ways to pass undefined no of arguments in a function. Mostly I use one of these three ways:-
- Pass all the Argument in the form of an array
function sum(array $args){
$sum = 0;
if( is_numeric( implode("", $args) ) )
foreach($args as $arg){
$sum += $arg;
return $sum;
return "Only array with numeric value accepted";
// if input is an array with values 1, 2, 3, 5
print_r ( sum([1, 2, 3, 5]) );
//output is 11
- Use func_get_args () to get all the passed argument
function makeUrl() {
$args = func_get_args();
$url = '';
$imp = implode('-', array_filter($args) );
return $url.lcreplace( $imp ) ;
function lcreplace($url) {
return str_replace( "--", "-", preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]/', "-", strtolower($url) ) );
// input
print_r( makeUrl( "How", "To", "pass", "infinite", "argument", "in", "PHP" ) );
- Use PHP Spread Operator( […$array] )
function makeUrl(...$args) {
$url = '';
$imp = implode('-', array_filter($args) );
return $url.lcreplace( $imp ) ;
function lcreplace($url) {
return str_replace( "--", "-", preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]/', "-", strtolower($url) ) );
// input
print_r( makeUrl( "How", "To", "pass", "infinite", "argument", "in", "PHP" ) );
Each method mentioned above has its own advantages.