Express Js application has a series of middleware function calls. Middlewares are also function, but with some difference, like middleware functions have access to request and response object, they can call the next middleware function. The middleware function takes 3…
Routing in Express Js
Routing refers to the way the server responds to the client’s request. There can be different routes for different http methods like get, post, etc. Routing is basically the type of response the client will get back. For example if…
What is Express Js
Express Js is a minimalistic framework based on http module of Node Js. It provides us with the easier creation and implementation of the servers. It simplifies the tasks, that we have to do in order to setup a server…
Events in Node Js
Node Js is a asynchronous event-driven runtime. Node Js can perform tasks asynchronously, i.e. without waiting for a task to be executed, it can move further. Node Js has a built-in module named “events”. “events” module has EventEmitter() class. With…
React Js vs Angular Js
React Js : React Js is a Javascript library, used to create single page web applications. React uses JSX for writing its components. JSX stands for Javascript XML. In jsx we can write HTML and JS together. As React Js…
NPM in Node Js
NPM stands for Node Package Manager. It is used to install various libraries in our project. NPM is a default package manager for Node Js. It has basically two parts: A code repository, where all the code is hosted. A…
URL Module in Node Js
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, It is used to surf and access any website available on the internet. Every page available on the internet has a unique URL. It is the URL, which helps in identifying the web pages.…
HTTP Module in Node Js
HTTP is a module in Node Js. It is installed on our system along with the installation of Node Js. It is basically used to work with HTTP protocol. We can create servers with HTTP and can make the server…
Modules in Node Js
Modules in Node Js are collection of files containing various logic. Modules help to organize the code. The code can be used anywhere by using the modules, which results in the reusability of the code. Modules in Node Js are…
What is Node Js?
Node Js is a Javascript runtime environment, which is used to create servers. In simple words it is used to JS outside the web browser. It is built with the help of Google Chrome’s V8 engine. Node Js is used…